
How and why to use control points as strategic levers in digital ecosystems

How and why to use control points as strategic levers in digital ecosystems


In today's business world, the shift from traditional industrial models to digital ecosystems represents a sea change -one that is fundamentally reshaping the ways in whichwe think about strategy, value capture, and how to stay ahead of the competition. The driving force behind this shift is the introduction and integration ofdigital technologies such as blockchain, generative AI, and the Internet ofThings (IoT), which collectively alter the landscape of how businesses operate, create value, and compete. Our exploration in Research Policy, "Profiting from Innovation in Digital Business Ecosystems: A Control Point Perspective," delves into this transformative shift, using smart farming as a focal point tounderstand how businesses can thrive in this new era.


Control points:The new strategic assets

In the digital age, the battleground for business dominance has shifted from the tangible to the intangible, from physical products to strategic control points within sprawling digital ecosystems. Unlike the industrial era, where success hinged on optimizing physical products and leveraging distribution networks, essentially through tangible bottlenecks, the digital age demands mastery over control points - the modern levers of power and value capture in the digital landscape, encompassing both technical and strategic dimensions.

Technical control points might include aspects like data ownership, API access, or proprietary algorithms that enable businesses to collect, analyze, and leverage information in ways that were previously impossible. Strategic control points, on the other hand, might involve ecosystem orchestration, customer access, and platform governance, allowing businesses to shape the ecosystem’s structure and dynamics to their advantage.

The effective use of control points can transform how a company interacts with its ecosystem, turning potential challenges into opportunities for growth. For instance, by taking command of key APIs or data streams, a business not only safeguards its proprietary information but also sets the stage for new product development and innovation.Similarly, leadership in ecosystem orchestration can facilitate unique partnerships, broadening a company’s influence and reach. Mastery over these control points enables businesses to dictate the pace of innovation within their industries, creating a dynamic competitive environment where adaptability and foresight are key.

Smart farming as a case in point

Smart farming illustrates the practicalapplication of control points as strategic levers in the digital age. This sector, at the intersection of agriculture and technology, showcases how digital innovations can revolutionize traditional practices, creating efficiencies and new opportunities for value capture.

In smart farming, control points manifest in various forms, from data analytics platforms that aggregate an dinterpret vast amounts of agricultural data to IoT devices that monitor and optimize crop health in real time. These technical control points enable farmers and agribusinesses to make informed decisions, reduce waste, and increase yields, fundamentally changing the way food is produced.

Let’s take John Deere as an example. John Deere's integration of IoT devices and advanced analytics into its machinery has established it as a frontrunner in the agricultural sector's digital transformation. These technical controlpoints enable precise monitoring and management of farming conditions, optimizing operations and yielding substantial efficiency gains. For instance, their equipment, equipped with sensors and connected to cloud-based platforms, provides farmers with real-time data on soil moisture and nutrient levels, allowing for more informed decision-making.

Beyond the machinery, John Deere hasemphasized strategic control points, particularly in ecosystem orchestration and platform governance. The company has cultivated a digital ecosystem that connects farmers, agronomists, and dealers, enabling a seamless exchange of data and insights. This not only enhances the utility of their physical products but also positions John Deere as an indispensable node in the agricultural value chain.

By setting standards for data interoperability and advancing a collaborative environment, John Deere influences the development trajectory of smart farming technologies. This strategic positioning not only solidifies its market dominance, but also opens up new avenues for innovation and growth within the digital ecosystem.

Insights for Leaders

The transition to a digital-first business model, while challenging, opens doors to unparalleled opportunities for innovation, growth, and value creation. To thrive in this new era, businessleaders must embrace a strategic framework that prioritizes adaptability, collaboration, and ecosystem integration. Key strategic considerations include:

1.     Invest in the integration of emerging technologies or developing proprietary solutions: Prioritize integrating emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, and blockchain for improved efficiency and security within your ecosystem, focus on creating proprietary technologies that deliver unique competitive advantages, or both. This strategic direction positions your business as a leader in operational excellence and innovation or as a provider of distinctive, seamlessly integrated solutions within the ecosystem.

2.     Advance customer access through digital interface improvements: Invest in enhancing the digital interfaces that customers use to interact with your services. This could mean deploying more intuitive user interfaces, incorporating AI-driven support tools, or developing personalized user experiences based on data analytics. Such improvements can solidify your control over customer access points, boosting engagement and loyalty.

3.     Advance ecosystem leadership through strategic partnerships: Identify and pursue strategic partnerships that expand your influence and operational capacity within the ecosystem. Look for alliances that allow you to access new customer segments, technologies, or markets, effectively using these partnerships as levers to amplify your controlpoints.

Coming up

In our next discussion, we'll explore the critical importance of industry-specific and technical knowledge in navigating the complexities of digital disruption. In the meantime, I encourage you to consider the specific ways in which your business currently utilizes or could better leverage technologies such as IoT, AI, and blockchain as control points to optimize operations and enhance value creation within your digital ecosystem.