
AI & Education Seminar –  Visiting Teachers from MOVEU Project

11 June 2024

On the 11th of July, the Digital + Sustainable Innovation Lab had the pleasure of hosting a seminar in Catolica-Lisbon on AI & Education. The seminar was crafted for high school teachers as part of the European Mobility (MOVEU) project.

In the 1.5-hour session, our Lab's post-doctoral researchers Mickie de Wet and Arash Rezazadeh and research assistant Margarita Oja Da Silva covered topics from introduction to Generative AI and use cases on how AI can be used in educational settings. Furthermore, we deep-dived into the ethics and risks involved in using AI in education such as plagiarism, hallucinations, and data privacy among others and discussed the potential solutions on how to overcome these pitfalls of generative AI. The session ended with a discussion and reflections, where participants shared their thoughts on the topic.

In the Digital + Sustainable Innovation Lab we are committed to sharing academic insights on important topics with a wider audience and are pleased to receive different groups in our sessions. If you are interested in topics such as Business Model Innovation, digitalization, sustainability, and AI in different sectors, reach out to us!

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